Blades of different sizes, designs, purposes have become part of our daily life, and the knife industry is developing by leaps and bounds. Experts have developed a unique classification system for knives by purpose. Depending on the tasks that the tool helps to solve, it belongs to one category and has design features. Let's talk about how to determine the purpose of a knife by its appearance and main characteristics.
The types and work of the blades are closely interrelated. For example, a thin kitchen blade for plating fish will not cut ropes or plan tent stakes. And vice versa - with the help of a hunting knife, it is hardly possible to carry out thin filigree slicing of gastronomy. Let's consider the main types of tools and find out their features.
These blades are designed for the impact technique of use. Therefore, they are durable, have a massive blade of medium length with a necessarily sharpened tip. The design of the knife also includes an outstanding guard to protect the fingers from cuts. Also, war blades can have the following features:
- oval handle with finger grooves for a secure grip;
- the tip can be sharpened both at the top and at the bottom;
- the blade is etched or coated with unique compounds so that the blade does not shine in the dark;
- the tip is in line with the blunt end;
- the handle assembly is strong; the blade is well fixed.
The combat knife was initially intended only for inflicting stabbing injuries on the enemy in battle. Today, such blades are often used for other purposes, for example, cutting branches on a hike, digging in, cutting wire.
It is an outdoor tool. The thing that should be able to do a lot. In this case, the dimensions of the blade are essential - it should be compact, not take up much space in the backpack. Therefore, such knives are usually small in size. They can have a fixed blade (then they are equipped with a sheath) or a folding mechanism. Other features are:
- the used steel is corrosion-resistant, stainless;
- plastic handle - lightweight and compact;
- minimum gaps and holes - for easy maintenance;
- ease of sharpening in field conditions;
- the curved shape of the structure, the tip is lowered down.
Blades of this type are often used not for a fight with an animal (although such an option is not excluded) but for ripping, skinning, and butchering. A hunting knife can also be helpful on the farm when slaughtering livestock, for example. This blade has the following features:
- a handle made of wood, bone, or horn;
- a small guard (so as not to interfere with butchering);
- thick blunt end;
- small blade (10-15 cm);
- a decisive edge sharpened to a razor sharpness;
- high hardness of blade hardening (58 and more HRC);
- additional elements on the blade - a skinning hook, for example.
This category of knives is the largest and most diverse. It is the chef's blades that are most in demand on the market. Every house has at least three main knives from the so-called "chef's three" - universal, chef, vegetable. However, a rare housewife is limited only to such tools, not to mention professional chefs. There are sure to be knives with narrow specialization in their arsenal - for specific products and types of work. The product's design, its particular characteristics, the materials of manufacture, and the sharpening technology depend on the purpose. Let's highlight the main distinctive features of knives of different modifications:
- Steel type. The higher the knife's loads are subjected to during operation, the stronger and stiffer the steel. For example, meat hatchets, chef knives, and other heavy-duty blades are better from high carbon steel. Knives for thinning meat, boning knives should be more flexible. Therefore, preference is given to molybdenum-vanadium steel, stainless steel. Ceramic knives are very hard but fragile. This material is used only for creating kitchen knives with a limited range of works - they are suitable for cutting non-solid foods, vegetables, and gastronomy.
2. Blade shape. The larger and denser the product to work with, the more massive the blade is required. For knives designed for percussive use, a rectangular blade shape with a massive blunt end is often optimal for generalists - with a wide heel and a blade tapering to the tip. Knives with a narrow and long blade have been created for delicate cutting and plastering, for vegetables peeling - miniature blades are used.
3. Sharpening angle. A tool with a large sharpening angle is suitable for coarse impact work, for delicate fine cuts - with a minimum. For example, meat hatchets are sharpened at a 45-degree angle, while Japanese brand slicers are sharpened at an angle of up to 15 degrees.
4. The shape of the cutting edge. It can be classic straight or wavy, serrated. In the first case, the knife is more versatile, suitable for different cutting techniques. The wavy edge cuts like a saw, so it is optimal for slicing bread, tomatoes, and other products with a hard "shell" and tender pulp.
5. Handle Material. For kitchen knives, the handles must meet two basic requirements - they must not slip even in a damp palm and must not have unnecessary seams and holes where food and bacteria can get clogged. The design of the handle is also of great importance because the knives should harmoniously fit into the kitchen's interior, especially if they are constantly in sight (on a magnetic holder, for example).
Professionals can quickly determine the purpose of a knife by its appearance. The dimensions, design, thickness, and length of the blade, the method of mounting the handle, and the materials used are all important. Each category of knives is suitable for certain types of work, and in their field, they have no equal.